Register for our OPEN-House

An effectual door has opened to YOU! Will you be your own adversary?

August 15-19, 2022


Choose a date then choose a time. 

2 time slots each day to choose from

Why The Bridge U?

Every University, College, Institution has qualities but not all of them are conducive for learning. Sadly many secular universities have traded the learning process for pride, ego and high tuition. We would love to have you be a part of our “community of learners” yet here are tips to help you choose the right place if you are considering furthering your education in the Word of God beyond Sunday services. 

Bible Based
& Spirit-Filled

His Word

The Bridge U focuses on the Bible as its PRIMARY Textbook. We believe all the answers to our questions are there.

Continuing Education

Dedicated to your Success

Tap into the years of ministry experience and business expertise of Dr. Marc as he offers continuing education on topics such as church volunteering; church leadership; church planting; business side of ministry; and more..


Accreditation = oversight

When degree level instruction is developed, there must be a valid oversight to assure that the quality, organization, and processes are in place to give validity to the degree.

Scholarships Available

Get Help with Tuition

Scholarships are awarded on a case by case basis.

Degrees Offered

Mark of Growth

Associates, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate are the level of degrees we offer to our students.

A Community
of Learners

No-Egos Allowed

Our teachers have earned their degrees - yet that does not mean that they stop learning or display an ego as if they know it all. A community of learners is built on teachers who are also committed to learning.

Degrees Offered

Below is a list of the degrees we currently offer. These are all accredited for ecclesiastical purposes. As you click on the arrow icon to expand you will get a synopsis of what each degree journey entails. 

Foundational Understanding

60 Credit Hours Best Fit: New Believer -> Looking to be a part of Church team. Course Highlight: You will delve into the depths of the new testament Books and Epistles. Understanding their origin, the audience being spoken to and the profoundness of each. At the end you will be required to submit a dissertation.
The Building Blocks of Growth
60 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Associate of Biblical Studies Degree Best fit: Church Team Member -> Evangelist Course Highlight: You will jump into old testament scripture and bridge the gap between both old and new testament as you culminate into a study of Revelations. At the end a dissertation will be required.
The Building Blocks of Ministry

60 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: Bachelors of Biblical Studies Degree

Best fit: Evangelist –> Pastor

Course Highlight: Continue the in-depth exploration of the old testament with the prophetic books and more. Practicum on biblical prayer and believers authority. At the end a dissertation will be required.

The Building Blocks of Ministry
60 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Graduate Degree of Theology Best fit: Evangelist –> Pastor Course Highlight: Continue the in-depth exploration of the old testament completing the full study of it. At the end a Theological thesis/dissertation will be required.
Equipping for Teaching
60 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Masters Degree of Theology Best fit: Pastor –> Apostle Course Highlight: Aside from the Bible as your textbook you will go through an in depth study of the book Understanding Theology Vol3. After which a 55,000 word Thesis/Dissertation on the book is required to graduate. PLUS… Dissertation MUST be defended before Review Board!

The Bridge U - Team

Dr. Marc Garcia


Blanca Garcia

Teacher / University VP

Any local church that registers to have their team members earn their degree will receive a 10% discount .



Registration For Open House

Register NOW seats are limited to assure we can maintain a 1 hour appointment. Make sure you spell your email correctly as this is where your confirmation and the link to attend will be sent to. 

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Senior Pastors Offering

Grow your team
by empowering them

10% off tuition

** churches who register/refer 3 new students in a degree program (limitations apply)

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