An effectual door has opened to YOU! Will you be your own adversary?
August 15-19, 2022
Choose a date then choose a time.
2 time slots each day to choose from
Every University, College, Institution has qualities but not all of them are conducive for learning. Sadly many secular universities have traded the learning process for pride, ego and high tuition. We would love to have you be a part of our “community of learners” yet here are tips to help you choose the right place if you are considering furthering your education in the Word of God beyond Sunday services.
Below is a list of the degrees we currently offer. These are all accredited for ecclesiastical purposes. As you click on the arrow icon to expand you will get a synopsis of what each degree journey entails.
60 Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Bachelors of Biblical Studies Degree
Best fit: Evangelist –> Pastor
Course Highlight: Continue the in-depth exploration of the old testament with the prophetic books and more. Practicum on biblical prayer and believers authority. At the end a dissertation will be required.
Any local church that registers to have their team members earn their degree will receive a 10% discount .
Register NOW seats are limited to assure we can maintain a 1 hour appointment. Make sure you spell your email correctly as this is where your confirmation and the link to attend will be sent to.
** churches who register/refer 3 new students in a degree program (limitations apply)